Sending WhatsApp OTP and Notification with Nodejs

A quick walk-through on how to send WhatsApp OTP and Notification with Sendchamp WhatsApp API with Nodejs

Aliyu Abubakar

Aug 12, 2021

Learn how to quickly send WhatsApp OTP and notifications with Node.js using sendchamp API.

In this guide we will walk you through:

  1. Signing up free Sendchamp account
  2. Activate WhatsApp Number
  3. Setting up a Nodejs Application
  4. Sending your WhatsApp OTP and Notification


Before you can get started, you need the following already set up:

  • Node.js and a familiarity with how to create a new app.
  • A sendchamp account
  • Activated WhatsApp Number

Signing up free sendchamp account

If you Already have an account? skip to the next section You can sign up for a free sendchamp account here.


When you sign up, you'll have to verify your email address. This allows sendchamp to verify your identity.

After you've verified your email address, you'll be asked a question in order to get you started in a way that's relevant to you.

After you finish setting up your account, you'll have access to your dashboard where you can access your API Key and perform dashboard communication functions.

Active a WhatsApp Number

Visit your sendchamp dashboard and navigate to WhatsApp channel.


Click on activate number and choose a subscription plan that is suitable for you. You won’t be asked to pay for it until your number is active.

When you select a plan, you’ll be redirected to a page that would ask you to fill in the necessary information. Basic information, WhatsApp account information and your business information.


Setting up a Nodejs Application

Create a new node app with NPM.

npm init 

Create a new file named index.js in the project and paste the provided "WhatsApp OTP and Notification" code into the file.

Code Sample

var request = require('request');
var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'url': '',
  'headers': {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer SECRET_KEY'
  body: JSON.stringify({"recipient":"2348055372961",
"type": "template",
"template_code": "TEMPLATE_CODE",
"custom_data": {
        "body": {
            "1": "Damilola",
            "2": "Olotu",
            "3": "Lagos"

request(options, function (error, response) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);


ParameterYour Value
recipient required.This represents the destination phone number. E.g 2349000000000)
type required.type of message being sent.
sender required.This will be the activated Whatsapp phone number E.g 234810000000
template_code required.You can find this on the template page under Whatsapp Channel of your Sendchamp dashboard

Sending your WhatsApp OTP and Notification

Now you can execute the code to send your WhatsApp message.

Run the following command:

node index.js 

The code you used in the index.js file sends a POST request to the sendchamp API endpoint to send your WhatsApp message.

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